I just heard about this, and chile, it is the read of all reads.
Oprah has pulled the biggest stunt on Barbara Walters. And I love O for it.
Rosie O’Donnell announced yesterday on her blog that she was moving to Chicago to host a new talk show in the 4pm time slot after Oprah goes off the air, to be produced out of Harpo Studios for the OWN Network. Oprah is also going to produce this show.
Why is this such a fierce stunt? I think Oprah has no love for Barbara Walters.
Iyanla Vanzant recently wrote in her book, Peace from Broken Pieces (which I highly recommend) that it was Barbara Walters and her team that first lured her from her bi-monthly spot on the Oprah Show year’s ago, and then treated her like shit. Oprah had told Iyanla at the time if anyone tries to steal you from us, please let me know who it is. Oprah only learned it was Walters months after Iyanla left Harpo (who had been developing Iyanla for her own show). When Iyanla recently appeared on Oprah to patch up their relationship after tthe split, Iyanla said her time working on her solo show, under the direction of Walters and View producer Bill Geddie, she was treated like “Chicken George and Kizzy” -a reference to two slaves from the book and film Roots. Iyanla noted that on her show, which had a multi-million dollar budget, she did not even have an office.
Iyanla on Oprah
Everyone knows about the split between Walters and Rosie O’Donnell which was very public, and pretty brutal. What’s the best way to have revenge if you’re Oprah? GIVE YOUR PRIZED 4PM SPOT TO BARBARA’S ARCH NEMESIS!!! AND PUT YOUR NAME AND RESOURCES INTO SUPPORTING IT!!!! LMAO!!!!
That, my straight friends, is what the queer kids call a stunt! And Oprah Winfrey pulled the biggest stunt of all!
About Iyanla? Never you fret, she tweeted last week that after the Oprah show her book went to #1 on the NY Times Bestseller’s list, and that she has been offered a chance to come back to television. Might this be on the Oprah Winfrey Network? Time will tell.
Congrats Rosie. Congrats Iyanla. And Oprah, you better work! LOL!!!